
“Ankle”: peanut butter toast




“World”: slightly soggy Cinnamon Toast Crunch, mostly on the center part of my tongue (curved) and against my left two frontish teeth

Not to be confused with: “Whirled,” which tastes like a tiny bit of cold cream on the tip of my tongue and tip of my palette on the “irl,” and a quick tinge of strawberry-cherry lollipop on the “le”

(Side note: Yes, the bowl of cereal has a moustache. It’s quite dapper for a breakfast cereal dish, don’t you think?)

After much consideration– perhaps a full four minutes madly GTalking with Ella, even– I decided to ease into discussing everything about myself that I apologize for. What better way to begin than to focus on my physical being? This is all incredibly rhetorical, of course. I mostly just want to talk about scents and smelly things.

I spent a good portion of my childhood using my nose. In fact, I use it quite often now, so I guess it’s a pretty important thing in my life. When I wasn’t having to squirt it full of Flonase, my nose served me pretty well back in the day. It’s come to my attention, however, that I was quite an abusive friend to it; day in and day out I would use weird lotions and sprays and deodorants I’d receive at holidays, mostly from shoppers with Bath and Body Works discounts. I spent so many years bathing myself in dreadful florals and musks and cotton breeze juniper trees nonsense. I was in such denial about my distaste for flowery and musky scents. I’m fully convinced that all my colds and allergies were not caused by irritation or viruses, but instead by masochistic self loathing in the form of lavender body butter.

No more. I finally saw the light in November of my first year at Smith, when I wandered into Cedar Chest for a study break and found the Holy Grail of nosegasms. Luckily, there were no awkward Fisher King moments to slog through.

I discovered Pacifica’s Tuscan Blood Orange perfume.



I’ve been devoted ever since. My parents even searched fruitlessly for some as a Christmas gift, only to find a gift set at Sephora. Now I have it in roll on form, body butter form, and shower gel form. I know I’m a bit young to have found a soul mate, but there’s really no controlling the heart of nostrils.

Hello, mystery!

If I ever decide to actually introduce this blog, I suppose I’ll do it here. Seems to make sense.